Tie fighter cockpit view
Tie fighter cockpit view

A lot of people are saying that Darth Vader having a picture of his children is highly unlikely for a lot of different reasons, but this particular Redditor solved it by saying: From now on, you will never have to wonder about that again since Redditor xerexerex recently put up a pretty awesome inside look inside this infamous tie fighter. I mean, we’re used to seeing all of these movies now, yet we are never really exposed to the intricacies of that particular spaceship. Many people have long wondered about what the inside of Darth Vader’s tie fighter spaceship looks like. We’ll just have to wait and see where it all ends. It’s interesting to know that George Lucas came up with all of this, and now the entire world is all over it like a group of greedy Jawas. As I have said before, these words that Darth Vader says to Luke Skywalker, “ Luke, I am your father!” are undoubtedly the most imitated words out of pretty much every movie out there. It goes on continuously, and that is probably why Star Wars is such a huge movie series. They memorize every line, detect every button, and try to imitate every sound the android robots make.

tie fighter cockpit view tie fighter cockpit view

There are a lot of fans of Star Wars out there who continuously try to squeeze the last drop of sci-fi out of the series.

Tie fighter cockpit view