Mount and blade warband escort merchant caravan
Mount and blade warband escort merchant caravan

Note that if you fight them without paying the ransom you get to keep it, whereas if you pay them and then attack you won't get all the money back. Attacking them before getting the girl will not endanger her life, so you only need to pay them if you are too weak to take them down. You can either pay them to release the girl or kill them and free the girl yourself. Head to where the bandits are waiting for the ransom money. If you still have trouble finding said bandits, your best bet is to look for them in a zone where similar bandit parties spawn(Near Rivacheg for Sea Raiders, around Suno for forest bandits, in the mountainous area south or Praven for mountain bandits, near Ichamur for steppe bandits and near Shariz for desert bandits). In the case they did see them, they will tell you where and when, otherwise you will get a generic answer. If you have trouble finding them, you can ask caravans and nobles about them. They sometimes don't even spawn in the zone supposedly attacked. It's worth noting the bandits, or their equivalent(Sea Raiders), don't always spawn near the city where you get the quest. Note: If an army attacks the bandits before you, you will fail the quest. Simply find the bandits and eliminate them.

mount and blade warband escort merchant caravan

Upon accepting this quest, a party of Troublesome Bandits will spawn somewhere near the village. Simply take the wine/ale to the specified tavern and give it to the tavern keeper for your reward. You do not and cannot take the caravan into the city itself, which may confuse unfamiliar players. They will thank you for your assistance and compensate you as per contract. Just before arrival at your destination, speak to the caravan.

mount and blade warband escort merchant caravan

Waiting is performed by default with Space. The caravan's accompaniment is not sufficient to defend itself from a large band try to keep it within line of sight at all times. Speak to them once (required), then set out once prepared for travel.Ĭaravans move at a languid pace, easily allowing the player to scout ahead or hunt bandits that are attracted to the caravan but flee upon spotting the player's forces. You begin the quest with the caravan already trailing you. Note that you can only accept one escort contract (not including caravans you offered your services to directly). Bandits will become slightly more aggressive towards you and your escort, making this type of mission an excellent source of combat experience. The caravan has its own limited escort of Caravan Guards. This quest consists of guarding a merchant caravan to another city. You earn some money and reputation with the town by doing this.

  • 6 Make Sure Two Lords Do Not Object to Peace.

  • Mount and blade warband escort merchant caravan